Alicia Bay Laurel 2018 Japan Tour

This year I am having a multi-decade solo art exhibition from September 1 through 20 at fashion designer Aya Noguchi’s Sison Gallery in Daikanyama, Shibuya, Tokyo.  The opening event will be recorded as part of a documentary about my work by Setsuko Miura’s environmentalist television show, Kotonaha No Midori.

Sison Gallery show brochure-color-web size

My concerts are also CD release parties for my newest recording, “Alicia Bay Laurel: Live in Japan,” which you can buy here.

ABL LIVE IN JAPAN 3000X3000 for CD Baby

Here is the tour schedule in Japanese and then in English:



2018年9月1日(土)アリシア・ベイ・ローレル個展“ダンシング・ウィズ・ネイチャー”オープニング・パーティー&コンサート。場所:代官山SISON GALLERY。15:00~20:00。ミニライブ&小倉美保さんのフラダンス19:00~。住所:〒150-0033東京都渋谷区猿楽町3-18 電話:03-6886-8048

2018年9月2日(日)~9月20日(木)個展“ダンシング・ウィズ・ネイチャー”。場所:SISON GALLERY。12:00~19:00。※月曜休館。

2018年9月6日(木)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:横浜ライブバー&レストラン サムズアップ。オープン18:30、スタート19:30。共演:井上オハナ、小倉美保(フラダンス)通訳:キンバリー・ヒューズ。お問合せ:045-314-8705。前売り:2,800円、当日:3,300円。住所:〒220-0005神奈川県横浜市西区南幸2-1-22相鉄Movil 3F

2018年9月7日(金)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:ピープルツリー自由が丘店(フェアトレード・ファッションブランドの東京フラッグシップ店)。オープン18:00、スタート18:30。共演:Rie Nobuso(創作舞)。住所:〒152-0035東京都目黒区自由が丘3-7-2

2018年9月9日(日)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:横浜cafe ゆっくり堂。オープン17:45、平和の祈り18:25、スタート18:30。共演:馬場尚子(司会)、Rie Nobuso(創作舞)。1,500円+1オーダー。住所:〒244-0002神奈川県横浜市戸塚区矢部町125。JR戸塚駅東口より徒歩7分。電話:090-1795-0341。


2018年9月15日(土)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:神戸Modern Ark Pharm Cafe。19:30~21:30。住所:〒650-0012兵庫県神戸市中央区北長狭通3-11-15。お問合せ:078-391-3060。

2018年9月16日(日)大阪アート&エコロジー・センター“THE BRANCH”を応援する小さなコンサート。場所:大阪THE BRANCH。オープン15:30、スタート16:00。住所:〒559-0011大阪府大阪市住之江区北加賀屋2-8-20

2018年9月17日(月・祝)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:大阪茶屋町URBAN RESEARCH DOORS(エコ・ファッション・ストア&カフェ)。カフェでのライブ:19:30~20:15。住所:〒530-0013大阪府大阪市北区茶屋町15-31。電話:06-6485-0178(コーディネーター:Ryoko)



2018年9月28日(金)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:照明寺。18:00スタート。出店 ワークショップあり。住所:〒899-6404鹿児島県霧島市溝辺町麓溝辺町2563。


2018年9月30日(日)コンサート&新作CDリリース・パーティ。場所:喫茶 風の丘。

13:00スタート。住所:〒899-2431 鹿児島県日置市東市来町美山 東市来町美山2591

Here is the English language version of tour schedule:

08/11/2018 New Moon concert and CD release party and vegetarian dinner. 18:00 start. SHIRAHAMA TOFU FACTORY. 1500 yen. Address: 1477 Shirahacho Takiguchi, Minami Boso-shi, Chiba

08/18/2018 Concert and CD release party and macrobiotic dinner at Lungta Yokone. 18:00 start. 1500 yen. Address: 217 Kyonan-machi, Awa-gun, Chiba-ken

09/01/2018 Art Gallery Opening Party for Alicia Bay Laurel’s solo exhibition, “Dancing with Nature,” and her concert, at Sison Gallery, Daikanyama, Shibuya, Tokyo. 15:00 to 20:00.  Live at 19:00, with hula by Miho Ogura.  Address: 150-0033, 3-18 Sarugakucho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6886-8048

09/02 to 20/2018 Sison Gallery “Dancing with Nature” exhibition open from 12:00 to 19:00, daily except Mondays.

09/06/2018 Concert and CD release party at Thumbs Up Live House, Yokohama.  Open 18:30, start 19:30. With the Inoue Ohana Band, hula by Miho Ogura, and translation by Kimberly Hughes. For more information, call 045-314-8705. Advance 2800 yen, Door 3300 yen. 3F Movil, 2-1-22, Minamisaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0005.

09/07/2018 Concert and CD release party at People Tree Jiyugaoka [fair trade fashion shop] (flagship store in Tokyo) 3-7-2 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo.  18:00 open, 18:30 start. With interpretive dance by Rie Nobuso.

09/09/2018 Concert and CD release party at Cafe Yukkurido, 125, Yabe-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 244-0002. Open 17:45, peace prayer 18:25, start 18:30. Hosted by Naoko Baba. With interpretive dance by Rie Nobuso.

Access from JR Totsuka station, east exit, 7minute walk. Charge: 1500 yen +1 order. Booking information: Café Tel: 090ー1795ー0341

09/15/2018 Concert and CD release party at Modern Ark Pharm Café in Kobe. 19:30 to 21:30
中央区北長狭通3-11-15 Kobe-shi, Hyogo, Japan 650-0012.
For more information, please call 078-391-3060.

09/16/2018 Intimate Concert to benefit The Branch Arts and Ecology Center in Osaka. Open 15:30. Start 16:00. 2-8-20 Kitakagaya, Osaka 559-0011

09/17/2018 Concert and CD release party at Urban Research Doors Chaya-machi (Eco fashion store and café.)  Live in the café 19:30 to 20:15. 15-31, Chaya-machi, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0013. Tel: 06-6485-0178 (Ryoko is the coordinator)

09/22/2018 Concert and CD release event Saikouji Zen Buddhist Temple, in the mountains west of Hiroshima, near the town of Miyoshi.  Event organized by Souken Danjo, the head monk. Start time 14:00.  Includes a vegetarian curry dinner. 729-4207 Hiroshima-ken, Miyoshi-shi, Kisa-cho, 610 Saikouji. For more information, please call: 080 5338 6274.

09/23/2018 Autumn Equinox Party, Concert, CD release party, and country market, at Italia Kaikan Fukuoka / Centro Italiano di Fukuoka. Address: Tokirikyu – Nakarikyu 2F, 1-18-25 Imaizumi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, 810-0021, tel: 092 761 8570.  Start time: 16:00. Please contact Ayako at for more information.

09/28/2018 Concert and CD release party at Shoumyouji Buddhist temple. Start time: 18:00. Address: 〒899-6404 鹿児島県霧島市溝辺町麓 溝辺町2563 Kagoshima-ken Kirishima-shi Mizobechofumoto Mizobecho 2563
出演者 アリシア ベイローレル 他 出店 ワークショップあり

09/29/2018 Concert and CD release party with shrine-building workshop in Nichinan, Kagoshima.

09/30/2018 Concert and CD release party at Kaze No Oka, outdoor restaurant and music venue. 〒899-2431 鹿児島県日置市東市来町美山 東市来町美山2591 風の丘 Kagoshima-ken Hioki-shi Higashiichiki-cho Miyama 2591 Kazenooka 出演者 アリシア ベイローレル Start time is 13:00.


Kota drums and Alicia sings at Kaze No Oka in Miyama, Kagoshima. A typhoon had passed through the area during the early morning of the same day, but the café was full of happy people that evening.

Videos, plus a magazine article with photos, all by Hikaru Hamada during my summer 2015 Japan tour

Kaorico Ago Wada’s portrait of Alicia Bay Laurel at Cafe Millet, near Kyoto, on June 13, 2015.

Here‘s a link to Hikaru-san’s article and photos in the magazine he founded in the 1970s and has edited since then.

Here‘s a link to a video he made of my performance at Art Cafe Naksha in Awajishima of a famous old peace song, “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream,” on July 11, 2015.   I tell the story of the song (at some length) before I sing, but, once I begin singing, people join me, and, in the instrumental break, and to the end of the song, everyone gets up and dances in a circle, echoing the lyrics: “…and the people in the streets below were dancing ’round and ’round…”

Here is a link to a video he made of my performance at Modern Ark Pharm Cafe in Kobe of my song Beautiful, Beautiful, June 28, 2015.

Here is a link to a video he made of my performance at Modern Ark Pharm Cafe in Kobe of my song Paisley Days, June 28, 2015.

Many thanks to you, dear Hikaru Hamada!

Schedule for 2015 Japan Tour

The very last performance of the Amana Band (Hiromi Kondo on African percussion, Sachiho Kojima on electric bass, and Yoko Nema on harmonium – and we all sang) was on July 4, 2015. We were all modeling purple clothes for the Little Eagle fashion show at Tenkuu No Cyaya in Tamagusuku, Okinawa.

Schedule as of July 13, 2015

06/05 Naot (shoe shop), in Kuramae, Tokyo, book signing for Mille Books’ “Welcome to the World” by Yuko Hirose and illustrated by Alicia Bay Laurel, live talk and art show, start at 19:00

06/06 Café Slow in Kokubunji, Tokyo, live music, featuring the great traditional Japanese singer Ikue Asazaki, plus Little Eagle fashion exhibition and fashion show, start at 19:00, phone 042-401-8505

06/07 Asaba Art Square (private) live music and art workshop in Kanazawa, Yokohama, start at 17:00,

06/13 Café Millet in Takao, Kyoto, live music, Little Eagle fashion exhibition and fashion show start at 14:00, phone 075-741-3303,

06/14 Cacao Magic in Kyoto, live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 15:00, phone 075-757-8914,

06/20 Café Jisouan in Sue, Gifu, live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 14:00, phone 0572-65-2010,

06/21 NAOT Shoe Shop in Nara, live music and gallery show of original drawings from Living on the Earth. Start at 18:00, phone 074-220-6887,

06/27 (Nepal fundraiser) at Little Eagle Atelier in Nishio, Aichi, live music and fashion exhibition, start at 15:30, phone 0563-53-3393,

06/28 Modern Ark Pharm Cafe in Kobe, live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 19:00, phone 078-391-3060,

07/03 Café Unizon in Ginowan, Okinawa, live music with vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Takuji, and Little Eagle fashion exhibition. Start 19:00 phone 098-896-1060,

07/04 Tenkuu No Cyaya in Tamagusuku, Okinawa, live music with Sachiho Kojima, Yoko Nema and Hiromi Kondo (the Amana band), plus Little Eagle fashion show and fashion exhibition.  Start 17:00, phone 098-948-1227,

07/05 Art workshop at Donto-in, Tamagusuku, Okinawa, start at 01:00, phone 070-5812-9088,

07/08 Mana Natural Café, Naha, Okinawa, live music event with Sachiho Kojima. Start 19:00.

07/11 Art Café Nafsha in Awaji-shima, live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 19:00, phone 0799-64-1121,

07/12 Art & Craft Village in Misaki, Okayama, live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 18:00, phone 0867-27-3733,

07/16 Manos Garden in Hiroshima, live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 18:30, phone 082-294-5660,

07/17 Urban Research/DOORS in Osaka, live music event. Start 19:30, TALK : 19:30, LIVE : 20:00. Phone 06-6120-3270,

07/19 Bagus in Wakayama live music, Little Eagle fashion exhibition and fashion show, start at 19:00, 073-444-2559,

07/24 Kagure in Omotesando, Shibuya, live music and talk, CANCELLED.

07/25 Surfers’ in Zushi live music and hula show with Miho Ogura and her halau (hula troupe), and the Inoue Ohana Band Start at 16:00, end at 20:00, phone 046-870-3307,

07/26 Chikyu-ya (“Earth Café”) in Kunitachi, Tokyo, with the Inoue Ohana Band, plus Miho Ogura and her hula halau. Hawaiian music and dance! Starting at 20:00. Also featuring the band Little Tempo. Phone 042-572-5851, CANCELLED

07/29 Live music with dinner in Gifu for Murmur Magazine, at Smoke House Warawazu, with Millet Hattori and friends. 18:00 open, 19:00 dinner, 20:00 live music. CANCELLED

07/31 Art Gallery Ze 489, Ojino, Mugegawa, Seki-shi, Gifu 501-2602. Phone 0575-46-3878. Open at 18:00, start at 19:00. CANCELLED

08/01 Susu (Furniture and furnishings shop) in Setagaya, Tokyo, book signing for Mille Books’ “Welcome to the World” by Yuko Hirose and illustrated by Alicia Bay Laurel, live talk and art show, start at 19:00 CANCELLED

08/02 Gallery Kan in Fukushima live music and Little Eagle fashion exhibition, start at 18:30, phone 024-932-8756, CANCELLED

08/04 Under The Light Yoga Studio in Yoyogi, Tokyo. “Instant Book” art workshop at 13:30 and live music event at 18:00. Organized by Rie Kuwahara of RieTreat., CANCELLED

08/08 Peace Concert at Hiroshima Nagaregawa Church, start at 14:30, phone 082-221-1813,

Learn to Sing “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” in English and in Japanese

The entire cast and the audience of the all-day peace concert at Nagaregawa Church, at ground zero in Hiroshima, during the 70th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, on August 8, 2015, stood in a circle around the circumference of the church , surrounded by a garland of 1,000 folded cranes (in memory of those that perished in these attacks), singing together “Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” in both Japanese and English.

This performance is the opening track of my album Alicia Bay Laurel – Live in Japan.

“Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream” is a visionary peace song written by the late folksinger and peace activist Ed McCurdy in response to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and copyrighted in 1950. I first heard it as a child on Pacifica Radio, the pacifist radio network created by the US peace movement during WWII, and which is still broadcasting from many cities around the United States.

I sang it at Nagaregawa Church, at ground zero in Hiroshima, two days after the 70th memorial of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, on August 8, 2015. I would like as many people as possible, all over the world to sing it, in many languages.  I read that it has been recorded in 76 languages, so I can safely assume that world peace is a very much beloved idea.  At Hiroshima, I sang it in English and Japanese, so I am offering the words here in both languages.

Here are the lyrics in English:

Last night I had the strangest dream
I never dreamed before
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war.

I dreamed I saw a mighty room
The room was full of men
And the paper they were signing said
They’d never fight again.

And when the paper all was signed
And a million copies made
They all joined hands and bowed their heads
And grateful prayers were prayed.

And the people in the streets below
Were dancing ‘round and ‘round
And swords and guns and uniforms
Were scattered on the ground.

Here is a translation of the lyrics into Japanese created by the wonderful singer/songwriter Maiko Kodama in 2013.

Last Night I had the Strangest Dream in Japanse

Here is a guitar chart in the key of G, the key in which I sing this song.

Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream-chart

If you are an English-speaking person, and want to learn Maiko’s Japanese lyrics phonetically, here is how they go:

Kee noh yoh roo kee myo oh nah

Last night I had the strangest dream

Yoo mei woo oh mee tah

I ev – er dreamed be fore

Sei kah ee gah seh nn soh oh

I dreamed the world had all agreed

Woh yah mei roo oo yoo mei

To put an end to war

Oh oh kee nah heh yah deh

I dreamed I saw a mighty room

Oo oh zei gah

The room was filled with men

Nee doh toh tah tah kah wah nai

And the paper they were signing said

Toh sah ee nee ee shee tah

They’d never fight again

Nah nn woh koo noh sah ee nn

And when the papers all were signed

Gah koh pee ee ee sah rei

And a million copies made

Tei woh tzu neh gee ah tah mah woh sah geh

They all joined hands and bowed their heads

Ee noh ree sah sah geh tah

And grateful prayers were prayed

Too oh ree noh hee toh bee toh

And the people in the streets below

Wah oh doh ree dah shee

Were dancing round and round

Jyoo toh ken toh goon poo koo

And guns and swords and uniforms

Wah soo tei rah rei tah

Were scattered on the ground

Kee noh yoh roo kee myo oh nah

Last night I had the strangest dream

Yoo mei woo oh mee tah

I ev – er dreamed be fore

Sei kah ee gah seh nn soh oh

I dreamed the world had all agreed

Woh yah mei roo oo yoo mei

To put an end to war

Here is the concert poster for the peace concert at Nagaregawa Church in Hiroshima, a combination of the cover illustration from Living on the Earth, and a graphic layout by Kaoriko Ago Wada, the fashion designer and owner of the Little Eagle organic fiber, fair trade clothing company, who coordinated the event.

2014 Japan Tour Schedule – the tour that never was

When I fell and broke both feet and both ankles at an airport hotel outside Tokyo, where I had just arrived, my dear friends, Kaoriko Ago Wada, Kensuke Ishii, and Yasushi Yamaguchi all rushed to my aid. I didn’t think I could smile that day, but, with their loving presences surrounding me, I did.


06/05 Concert at HAPON in Shinjuku, Tokyo, at 17:30
06-05 Hapon

06/06 Concert and Talk with the staff and readers of Murmur Magazine at VACANT Art Space in Harajuku at 19:00. Murmur’s editor, Hattori Millet-san’s band plays first! Then I play, then Millet-san and I talk. Tickets available at Murmur magazine’s website.
3-20-13 Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo
Transport Harajuku station (JR Yamanote Line)
or Meiji-jingumae station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line)
Telephone 03 6459 2962

vandana shiva dvd

06/08 Concert after the movie “Embracing the Seed of Life,” Keibo Shinichi Oiwa Tsuji’s interview with Vandana Shiva, and documentary of her work, the English version of which has Alicia’s song, “Sometimes It Takes a Long Time” in the soundtrack. Movie 15:00 to 16:00, Alicia Bay Laurel live concert and discussion from 16:00 to 17:00. At Cinema Amigo in Zushi, Kanagawa

06/14 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, starts at 14:00, at Cafe Jisoan, Sue, Gifu, 2000 yen.

06-14 Gifu

06/15 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, starts at 18:00, Mi.Ca.Li Gallery, Mino, Osaka, 2000 yen.

06-15 MiCaLi

06/17 Art Workshop with Alicia Bay Laurel: Visualization Altars with Crystals.
Starts at 15:00. 8000 yen. Meet at Under the Light Yoga School Shogakukaikan-bekkan 4F, 1-53-4, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053 Flier: Contact:
Alicia's 2007 inner child shrine-web sized
Photo of Alicia Bay Laurel’s shrine “Love to My Inner Child,” made on Oshima Island, 2007.

06/17 Concert at Under the Light Yoga School Starts at 18:30, 2500 yen. Shogakukaikan-bekkan 4F, 1-53-4, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0053

06/21 Concert (featuring Ikue Asazaki) and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show, Cafe Slow, Kokubunji, Tokyo. Starts at 19:00, seats 3800 and 4300 yen.

06-21 Cafe Slow

06-08-13-Japan-Kokubunji-Cafe Slow-Ikue Asazaki and ABL say goodnight
Photo of Ikue Asazaki and Alicia Bay Laurel at Cafe Slow, 06/08/2013

06/22 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show, Asaba Art Square, Kanazawa-Bunko, Kanagawa. Starts at 15:00. Seats: 2500 and 3000 yen, children 5 to 18, 1000 yen

06-22 Asaba

06/27 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, Gallery Kan, Fukushima. Start 18:30, 3000 yen.

06-27 Kan, Fukushima

06/29 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, Manos Garden, Hiroshima. Start 16:00, Seats 2500 and 3000 yen.

06-29 Manos Hiroshima

07/04 Concert (featuring UA) and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show, Cafe Unizon, Ginowan, Okinawa. Starts 19:00. Seats 2500 yen.

07-04 Unizon

07/12 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition at RAW CAFE by cacao?magic_ in Kyoto. Starts 19:00. Seats 2500 and 2800 yen.

07-12 Cacao Magic

07-12 Cacao, Millet

07/13 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show at Cafe Millet, near Kyoto, Start: 14:30. 3500 yen.

07-13 Cafe Millet

07/19 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition and Fashion Show, Bagus, Wakayama. Start 19:00. Seats: 2500 and 3000 yen

07-19 Bagus

07/21 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, Art Café Nafsha, Awajishima. Start 19:00. Seats 2500 yen

07-21 Nafsha

07/26 Concert with Inoue Ohana Band and hula by Miho Ogura, Alishan Organic Center, Hidaka, Saitama.
Start at 15:30. Seat and one drink: 2300 yen. 

07-27-13-Japan-Nakasakuma-Yamapara-Miho dances and Kathie, ABL and Keni play Nami, Yasu and Kensuke watch
Photo of Miho Ogura, Kathie and Keni Inoue and Alicia Bay Laurel performing together at an outdoor festival at Yamapara Organic Farm, in Nakasakuma, Chiba, on 07/27/2013.

08/02 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, Little Eagle Aso, Kumamoto. Start at 18:00. Seats 2000 and 2500 yen.

08-02 Aso

08/05 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition, Daisho-in Temple, Hiroshima. Start 18:00. Tickets by donation.

08-05 Daisho-in

08/08 Concert and Little Eagle Fashion Show, Arts & Crafts Village, Okayama. Start 18:00. Seats 2500 and 3000 yen.

08-08 Okayama

08/09 Peace Concert in Hiroshima (with other musicians). Start 15:00. Location and ticket price TBA.

08-09 Peace concert

Kimberly Hughes article about my 2013 Japan Tour

06-29-13-Japan-Kyoto-Cacao Magic-ABL laughs w guitar onstage

Below is Kimberly Hughes’ interview/article for the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, which she created during my 2013 Japan tour. I met Kimberly in 2012 when she worked with me interpreting for me at several of my concerts, and we’ve been good friends ever since.

The photo was taken at my 2013 concert at Cacao Magic (a vegan café in Kyoto that specializes in raw organic cacao treats). I am wearing organic fiber clothes created by my friend and collaborator, fashion designer Kaorico Ago Wada for her organic fiber, fair trade clothing company, Little Eagle.

U.S. artist and author brings timeless message of natural, sustainable living to Japan

Alicia Bay Laurel was barely over twenty when her self-illustrated book “Living on the Earth” — often referred to as a “bible” among those seeking to live in harmony with nature — became a best-seller in the United States in 1971.

The book included tips on everything from canning food to making handmade soap to stitching shoes — all knowledge that was essential for outdoor living among those, like Laurel, who had joined the back-to-the-land movement of the day.

Far from being out-of-date, however, the book continues to resonate among those who crave a simpler way of living within today modern, chaotic world.

Now 64, Laurel — who is also an accomplished guitar player and singer — is presently on tour in Japan to promote her two latest CDs, sign books, and share stories of her fascinating life growing up in the U.S. during an era of collective living and large-scale social movements for peace and justice.

Laurel’s swift rise to author fame surprised herself as much as everyone else. “I had moved from Los Angeles to a hippie commune in northern California in the late ’60s, and, as a city girl with no outdoor skills, I decided to interview residents to get their advice for living in nature — which I then compiled into a hand-written notebook together with my illustrations,” she told an audience packed inside a cozy venue in Kunitachi, western Tokyo.

“At first, I didn’t even know how I would go about making a single photocopy of it — much less imagine that it would go on to be published and reach international fame.”

The Japanese translation of “Living on the Earth” was published in 1972 by Soshisha Ltd., which also went on to release her next book, “Being of the Sun” — which Laurel describes as her first work’s “spiritual sequel” — as well as her three books for children.

Laurel toured Japan for the first time in 1974, where her artistic muse found deep inspiration. “Right away,I noticed that the entire country shared an advanced sense of design that permeated even the most humble and commonplace objects,” she recalls. “I also noticed that ordinary transactions were conducted with a sense of awareness and decorum that I had not previously encountered anywhere else.”

Her connection to the country was renewed in 2005, when outdoor magazine Be-Pal sent a journalist to interview her in Hawaii, her home for some 25 years. This was followed by introductions to the environmental nonprofit organization Artist Power Bank, who invited her back to Japan to perform at its events and hold workshops — and its sister project Kurkku, a complex of environmentally sustainable businesses that organized the first of her yearly tours for Laurel in 2006.

Following the 2011 disaster in Tohoku, both organizations also helped coordinate an initiative to raise funds for survivors by selling T-shirts and other goods at their music concerts that featured Laurel’s trademark flowing line designs.

Laurel is presently on a two-month tour of the archipelago, where her itinerary includes some 30 performances across 12 prefectures, as well as an art retreat on the island of Niijima, a sacred shrine tour in Okinawa, and a performance at a farm on southern Chiba’s Boso peninsula.  She is also collaborating with numerous other artists and performers, including Kaoriko Ago Wada, owner/designer of the natural clothing design company, Little Eagle, and Hawaiian reggae band, Inoue Ohana.

Laurel’s message of reconnecting with nature has found an eager audience in Japan, where people inevitably line up in their dozens for a chance to speak with her following her performances. One man told her that he and his wife had home-birthed all three of their children using advice from “Living on the Earth,” while another woman said that Alicia’s message reminded her of an earlier era in Japanese history when worship of the sun goddess Amaterasu was a common practice.

During a performance last month at Beach Muffin Café, located along the shores of Zushi in Kanagawa Prefecture, Laurel swapped her guitar for a zither and began performing a series of songs from “Being of the Sun.” She explained that the tunes were in fact chants— each of which expressed reverence for a particular natural cycle, such as a time of day or a particular season.

“Mountains, wind, ocean and sun are teachers,” reads an excerpt from the book. “Lessons abound for the observant.”

During a recent performance held at an art gallery in Tokyo’s Daikanyama district, which also hosted an exhibition featuring illustrations from “Living on the Earth” that had been framed in driftwood, Laurel told the audience, “I strongly support the ‘hydrangea revolution’ movement in Japan, where people have taken to the streets to call for an end to nuclear power. We in the United States have much to learn from the Japanese people in this regard.”

In an interview with the Mainichi, Laurel commented, “Sustainable technology has been around for a long time. We don’t need fossil fuels or nuclear power, which are used only because they are enriching the 1400 billionaires of our planet.”

Asked about any advice she had to share with those seeking to revive the passion and spirit of earlier eras, she said, “Vote with your wallet. Avoid buying products made by companies that pollute the planet and/or violate human rights, and support politicians that try to stop these companies from doing so.”

“Also, volunteer,” she concluded. “Whether it’s helping with childcare for single working mothers or organizing clean-ups of polluted places, there are thousands of necessary things to be done to make this a more sustainable and just world.”

Alicia Bay Laurel’s Japan tour will conclude on August 4th [2013]. For more information and a schedule, visit her website at

Alicia Bay Laurel 2013 Japan Concert Tour

This tour celebrates the release of two new CDs!
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Songs from Being of the Sun is available here.


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Living Through Young Eyes is available here

Here are the bookings and posters as of 06/29/2013.  Please check back for any changes!

06/06 Live with RabiRabi at OPPA-LA at Enoshima, open at 19:00

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06/07 Live at Hapon in Shinjuku, start at 19:00

06/08 Live with Little Eagle at Café Slow in Kokubunji, start at 19:00 and

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06/09 Live with Little Eagle at Beach Muffin in Zushi, start at 17:00

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06/15 Live with Little Eagle at Jisoan in Sue, Gifu, start at 14:00

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06/16 Live with Little Eagle at Café Ocean in Nishio (near Nagoya), start at 17:30

06/21 Live with Little Eagle at Art Café Nafsha on Awaji Island, start at 19:30 (Summer Solstice!)

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06/22 Live with Little Eagle at MiCaLi in Mino, Osaka, start at 18:30

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06/23 Live with Little Eagle at Bagus in Wakayama, open at 15:00

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06/29 Live with Little Eagle at Cacao Magic in Kyoto, start at 18:00

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07/02 Live at Gallery Speak For in Daikanyama, Tokyo, start at 18:00. Reception event for show of original 1970 drawings from Living on the Earth, many with new Alicia Bay Laurel drawings on the mat boards, and framed in driftwood by master craftsman Yuji Kamioka.  Show runs 06/21 ~ 07/03
. Alicia’s live music at 18:30 on 07/02.  Address information:

Here is a video of the installed show.  The music is “Everything is Flowing” from the CD Songs from Being of the Sun.

07/05 Live at Asaba Art Square, a magical art center in Kanazawa, private event for Earth Keepers, start at 18:00

07/06 Live with Little Eagle at Oromina in Yokohama, start at 15:00

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07/07 Live with Little Eagle at Alishan Organic Center in Saitama, start at 16:00

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07/12 Live with Little Eagle at Cafe Unizon in Ginowan, Okinawa, start at 20:00

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07/13 to 07/15 Okinawa Sacred Sites Tour and Shrine Art Workshop at beautiful Donto-in, Tamagusuku, with Alicia Bay Laurel and Sachiho Saraswatie Kojima.  Photo of Sachiho enjoying the cold water of a sacred spring, straight from the dragon’s mouth.

07/18 Live in Ueda at Café PANI

07/20 Live with Little Eagle at Lumiere du Lazuli in Matsumoto, start at 15:00.  Tickets 2000 yen in advance or 3000 yen on the day of the event.

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07/25 Live with Inoue Ohana at Thumbs Up in Yokohama, start at 19:30 Facebook event page at:

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07/26 Live with Inoue Ohana at Chikyu-ya in Kunitachi

07/27 Live at YAMADA PARADISE FARM, presented by Green People
Open 16:30
Kathie and Keni Inoue (Inoue Ohana Band) with hula by Miho Ogura 17:30
Alicia Bay Laurel 18:30

608 Nakasakuma, Kyonan-machi, Awagun, CHIBA
ticket 1300(advance) 1500 (door) 500 (middle & high-school students)
more info by phone : 080-1282-6586 (Ohyama)

Facebook Event Page:

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07/28 Live with Inoue Ohana at Studio M in Koganei starting at 16:00

Send us email for reservation to More information on our web page

07/30 to 07/31 SARO resort Nii-jima Island – Overnight massage, nature, music and art retreat with Alicia Bay Laurel and Rie Kuwahara of Rie-treats for Under the Light Yoga.

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07/30 Live at SARO resort on Nii-jima Island (open to public), starting at 19:00. Address: Cafe and accomodation SARO, 3-3-4 Honson Niijima-mura Tokyo.

08/02 Live with Little Eagle at Shonan Club in Kamakura, start at 17:30
Event Fliers for 2013 Japan tour

08/03 Live event:

Vibration 1 from Agriculture & Music
August 3rd, 2013, open 15:00
talk session about agriculture 16:00 by Alicia Bay Laurel, Kaoru Sugita & Kaoru Kawai
music session 17:00 by Alicia Bay Laurel, monk beat, DJ TATSUTA
close 19:00
Ticket 2000 yen advance 2500 yen at door

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08/04 Live with Inoue Ohana at Art Station POKARA in Nasu
Open at 14:30, start at 15:00
2500 yen for Live Event
1000 yen for Vegetarian Dinner after
Hula show included! 

253 Yumoto, Nasu-machi, Tochigi prefecture.
Tel 0287-76-4119
For more information, please call Kat-chan at 


Alicia Bay Laurel 2012 Japan Tour Schedule

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Truly a wonderful tour.  I enjoyed every day of it!

May 20 live at Café Ocean 18:00-20:00 in Aichi (near Nagoya) for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition

May 25 live at Juzu (Go West Hemp Boutique) in Ebisu, Tokyo 19:00 for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition

May 27 live at Natural High Festival at Doshi, 11:20 to 12:00.  Otherwise I’ll be at Kurkku/apbank booth.

May 30 live at Cafe Slow in Kokubunji, Tokyo, 19:00 to 12:30 for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition

June 2 live at Jisoan Gallery in Gifu, 14:00 – 18:00 for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition. Telephone 0572-65-2010

June 3 live at MI.CA.LI Gallery in Osaka, 19:00 for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition

June 9 live at Beach Muffin Cafe in Hayama, Kanagawa, 16:00 for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition

June 14 live at Cay in Aoyama, Tokyo with Inoue Ohana Band, start 20:00.

June 15 live at Natural and Harmonic Plants (organic mall) in Yokohama 18:00 for Little Eagle Fashion Exhibition

June 16 live at Studio M in Koganei, Tokyo. Doors open 14:00, show 15:00. For information, call Spoonful Cafe at 080 3386 0635

June 19 Art workshop and live performance at Holistic Health Care Institute in Kichijoji, Tokyo. 18:00 – 22:00.

June 21 live at Thumbs Up in Yokohama with Inoue Ohana Band, start 20:00.

June 22 live at Chikyu-ya in Kunitachi, Tokyo, with Inoue Ohana Band, start 19:30.

June 23, live at Yukotopia in Umejima, Adachi, Tokyo, with Ha-Za-Ma, High Blood Pressure and Howdy Groovies. Doors open at 18:30, live begins at 19:00. I play last.

June 24 live at Alishan Organic Center in Hidaka, Saitama, 16:00 start.

June 29 live in Fukushima at Ginga No Hotori (Edge of the Milky Way) Café with Yoshie Ebihara, Inoue Ohana Band and Kaorico Ago. A gift to the Tohoku people from Little Eagle. Doors open at 17:00, start time 18:00.

June 30 live in Ishinomaki at Cafe Roots with Yoshie Ebihara, Inoue Ohana Band and Kaorico Ago. A gift to the Tohoku people from Little Eagle. Doors open at 18:00, start time 19:00.

July 1 art workshop (making fabric picture books) in Sendai, co-led with Kaorico Ago 13:00.  Live with Yoshie Ebihara and Kaorico Ago at 15:00. Location: Akiu Kinoie Center. A gift to the Tohoku people from Little Eagle.

July 4 live at Marunouchi House (close to Tokyo station), CD Release Party for Monk Beat’s 2nd CD, Animal Collection.  Monk Beat, Alicia Bay Laurel and Mirrorbowler.  First set begins at 17:00.

July 7 live at Nagoji Temple in Tateyama, Chiba, with Monk Beat, featuring vocalist Yae, and the temple choir. Doors open at 17:00, show starts at 18:00. A fundraiser for Tohoku survivors.  Video of the temple choir’s song:

July 13-15 Weekend workshop in beautiful Tamagusuku, Okinawa, co-led with Sachiho Kojima, including nature walks to sacred sites, musical meditation, beach time, live music, and shrine-building art workshop. To join us, or for more details, please contact Sachiho at or message Sachiho on Facebook.

July 15 live at Roguii Cafe, Okinawa, with Amana band.  Doors open at 19:00, show at 19:30. Cafe address: 1663 Yogi, Okinawa City, Okinawa. Phone: 098 933 8583.  Hand craft and farmers market at the cafe from 15:00.

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2010 Japan Tour Schedule

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What an amazing 11 weeks that was!  I am resting up and contemplating the joy and wonder of it all.

September 28  8:30 AM Teach art workshop for Fujino Steiner (Waldorf) High School.  (Alas, this workshop was cancelled due to flash flood warnings closing the school system for the day.)

October 3 – 4 PM Concert at Studio M
5-5-14 Maehara-cho,
Koganei, Tokyo 184-0013

The closest train station is Musashi Koganei on the Chuo line.

The house concert was a great success – standing room only!  77 happy attendees.  Here’s how it looked:

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October 15 Concert at Nanso Bunka Hall in Tateyama
With tribal stomp and trance band RabiRabi x Piko, and local percussion band Awa Lion.

It was a fabulous and eclectic offering.  At one point there was a taiko drum troupe, a belly dancer and an African dancer all performing together.  Here’s the finale piece in RabiRabi x Piko’s set, with the belly dancer and the African dancer on stage with them:

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October 22 and 23 Concerts at Yukotopia Deadheadsland
Yukotopia is a block from the Umejima train station, which you can reach via the Hibiya line from central Tokyo.  Turn right when you exit the station. It’s right across the street from the Star King Pachinko. The address is:

3-2-18 Umejima
Adachi-ku, Tokyo 120-0816
Tel. 033-886-2996

There will be 4 other acts on before me (I go on last). Yukotopia is a cosy room with lots of psychedelic ambiance and welcoming friendliness.  It has a full bar and offers some inexpensive entrees and snacks. People bring their kids sometimes.  It hosts poetry readings on Saturday afternoons.

Here’s the schedule for Friday, October 22 (5 solo artists):

19:00~19:40 Hiroshi Sawada(Pop music)
19:40~20:20 So Terui (Acoustic)
20:20~20:50 Huga Matsuyama(Acoustic)
20:50~21:30 Roku
21:30~22:30(or longer) Alicia Bay Laurel

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Here I am on October 22, 2010, singing Floozy Tune at Yukotopia.

Here’s the schedule for Saturday, October 23:

19:00~19:50 Tsumugine(Improvisational vocal performance)
19:50~20:50 Shinokuni(Pop music)
20:50~21:50 Howdy Moonshine (former members of Electric Building band)
21:50~22:50 (or longer) Alicia Bay Laurel

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Roku, the manager of Yukotopia, and I play “Ripple in Still Water” by the Grateful Dead to close my set.

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October 29-31 “Happy Flower Seed Party” (spiritual retreat) at Donto-in, Tamagusuku, Okinawa hosted and lead by Sachiho Kojima. Unplugged Concert with RabiRabi x Piko, Lakita Kudomi, Sachiho Kojima and me on 10/29. I teach an art workshop on 10/31.  Please contact me if you’d like to join us!

A typhoon postponed the outdoor concert at Hamabe No Chaya from 10/29 to 10/31, so we had an unplugged indoor candle light concert at Donto-in on the 29th in addition to the outdoor show on the 31st.  Hamabe No Chaya is a tea house with windows looking out over a calm bay enclosed by a coral reef.  The stage was actually erected on the sand below the high water line, at low tide.  The first act was a wonderful Okinawan traditional singer, next Sachiho played her lyre and sang spiritual songs, then I played guitar and sang original songs, and last RabiRabi played and everyone else danced.

The workshop included Sachiho’s sacred sites of Tamagusuku tour, this time augmented by the presence of Professor Hiroshi Nago, who has researched and written extensively about the Tamagusuku castle ruins, which appears to have been a temple rather than a castle.  He brought a slice of a rare seashell that is found on the outside of the coral reefs in Okinawa, and showed us that the entire structure of the castle is based on the structure of this shell. This shell became a icon for a philosophy of peaceful relations, and bracelets made from it have been found in the tombs of emperors.

I lead the workshop participants in making visualization altars from found objects, including shells we picked at the beach.  I was astonished, when each person shared after building his or her altar, how deeply we were all thinking and feeling after visiting the sacred sites of Tamagusuku.

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November 3 Concert at Cafe Unizon in Ginowan, Okinawa, on the closing date of a one-month art show of original drawings from Living on the Earth. Alicia Bay Laurel plus all-woman trance band Amana.

Cafe Unizon’s sophisticated and comfortable room has a big view of Ginowan city, with the ocean in the distance.  They always have an art show installed, lots of great books for sale and excellent food.  Sachiho (on electric bass), Yoko Nema (on harmonium) and I had a great time playing original songs together.  Mingo Kazumi did an improvisational modern dance to my autobiographical song 1966.  Yoko lead a yoga breathing session between the session in which I talked about my art and the session inwhich she and I and Sachiho performed. Mieda-san, the owner, invited me back for next year!

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November 28 3 PM Concert at Alishan Organic Center

Komahongo 185-2 , Hidaka-shi,
Saitama-ken, Japan 350-1251
office phone +81-(0)429-82-4811

Alishan Organic Center is a beautiful building overlooking a river.  It houses an organic food wholesale and retail company owned by Jack Bayles and his wife, Fay, and a cafe and event space, where art classes, healing classes, and other community events are held.  If you shop for organic foods anywhere in Japan, you are likely to find their products.  Alishan is named after a mountainous area in Taiwan, the birthplace of Jack’s wife.

At 11 AM, Liane Wakabayashi will present her fascinating Genesis art workshop at Alishan, and at 3 PM I’ll sing my songs about the natural, organic life that Alishan Organic Center is all about.  For my concert, admission is 1500 yen, and includes a beverage.  Liane’s workshop also has an admission fee of 1500 yen and includes tea service.

Liane and I had a wonderful day together riding to remote Hidaka village on the train and doing our respective events.  I had a standing room only audience, and Mingo Kazumi came all the way from Tokyo to dance for me on the song 1966 again. Jack invited me to come back and perform next year!

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December 1 Opening at Gallery Le Deco, in Shibuya, Tokyo, of a new fashion line by Kaorico Ago owner/designer of Little Eagle and Lotus Heart fashion labels, some printed with drawings from Living on the Earth by Alicia Bay Laurel. The garments are manufactured from organically grown cotton and linen and hand sewn in a fair trade factory in India. The show will also feature framed original drawings from Living on the Earth.  There will be no music on December 1, but the next three nights there will be plenty!

Gallery Le Deco is on Meijidori, about one minute walk from the new south entrance to the JR Shibuya Station, or a five minute walk from the east entrance.  Phone 03 5485 5188.

December 2 show begins at 6:30 PM (18:30) with a hula kahiko halau (group) in performance, followed by a musical performance by Peace-K and Han-chan, and after that, an hour of Hawaiian songs and slack key guitar by Alicia Bay Laurel. Admission is 1200 yen in advance or 1500 yen at the door.

December 3 show begins at 6:30 PM (18:30) with the band Monk Beat, then Peace-K and Han-chan, and then Yammie, the creator of the Yappooo television series for children, will show a video of her latest work.  At the end, an hour of songs about the natural organic life by Alicia Bay Laurel.  Admission is 1200 yen in advance and 1500 yen at the door.

December 4 show begins at 6:30 PM with a modern dance by Shizuno, a dancer based in New York and Hawaii. Next, the wonderful singer/songwriter Yoshie Ebihara will perform.  After Yoshie, Alicia will perform 45 minutes of original music, and finally, the great traditional Japanese vocalist Ikue Asazaki will thrill us with her songs.  Admission is 1500 yen in advance and 1800 yen at the door.

Advance tickets may be purchased at Le Deco Gallery.

This had to have been the most astonishing three days of my life.  Each night the place was packed, and on the last night there were lines in the street of people waiting to come in, including many of my dearest friends.  The staff had to take the potted plants out of the gallery to make room for everyone who wanted to stand.  I can’t take credit for this; the line-up on that night was stellar, and three very famous singers, Ua, Ikuko and Sandii Manumele came and performed in addition to those already on the schedule.

The reason so many great performers came to sing on behalf of Kaorico and her clothing is because Kaorico’s clothes are not just fashion.  They express a philosophy that reveres Native American spirituality, Hawaiian spirituality, the works of Mother Teresa and Gandhi, and my book, Living on the Earth.  All of these are about naturalness and simplicity, loving the earth as our common mother, and seeing all beings as family. Kaorico’s newest line of clothing is called “Loving and Sharing.”