Recording Engineers

April 20th, 2000

A random quick visit to my childhood and current close friend, Susan Heldfond yielded a book sale to her cousin Lane Heldfond, who owns an antiquarian bookstore in Marin County, California. Lane received Living On The Earth as a birthday gift from her brother when she was sixteen and is still using it!

Happily ensconced now at a visit to Steve Gursky, the technical wizard who put all the moving, morphing fun stuff on my web site (at least for those of you whose browsers support Java Script). He has enjoyed a considerable career as a recording engineer to various legends of the Woodstock era, but, since computers have depleted the market for live studio recording, Steve has made computer consulting and web design his next line of work. I am ecstatic with what he has done on my web site, and pleased to be learning a new skill in updating the site myself.

Steve Gursky in television worship

Personally, I am thrilled with the results I got from working on my CD with an experienced and well-equipped recording engineer, Steve’s old buddy Rick Asher Keefer, who engineered Heart’s hit albums. The complete art piece that we got is as much a result of his creativity as it is of mine.

Rick Asher Keefer at Sea West Studio in Pahoa, Hawaii